Beer Preparation

There has been a Navigation Inn on this site since the early 18th Century, and the building has many of the original features. Including a beer cellar with ceilings high enough to accommodate the average height of people at the time. Snow white jealously guards the efforts of her helpers, and we instead have to make our beer service preparations around these limitations.

We can’t always get it right, but aim to ensure a constant supply of product. Regular weekly deliveries allow beers to settle and reach proper service temperature. Cask ales are tapped and vented to allow optimum taste at point of service.
Line Cleaning
Using a premium line cleaning fluid, and a minimum of weekly cleaning of lines to ensure taste as the breweries intend free of any yeast build up or any other foreign matter.
Proper Maintenance
In partnership with our suppliers including Heineken UK we ensure all dispensing equipment is properly serviced which in turn allows best drink quality and taste.
Glass Cleaning
Using premium glass cleaning fluid, all glasses are cleaned and sanitised thoroughly before re-use, with glasses for our premium lagers being chilled before service.
Staff Training
How many pubs have you been into and had pints delivered to you with staff placing their hands at the top of the glass on the rim from where you drink. Staff at the Navigation are trained not to do this by utilising a simple little trick – place the little finger of the hand in which the glass is held on the base of the glass. This prevents the hand being at the top of the glass allowing for improved hygiene. Pass this on for everyone’s benefit….